Cornwall Deep Prayer and Fasting Retreat provides a unique opportunity for groups and individuals to renew and encounter a fresh deep Personal Covenant with Jesus Christ through Deep Prayers and Fasting. Our carefully chosen accommodation and retreat offers a peaceful and rejuvenating environment which will give you the peaceful time with Jesus Christ
Luke 4:1-2, 14-15. After Jesus was baptised He spent 40 days praying in the wilderness. After this He was tempted by Satan and then began His public ministry.
Mark 6:30-32. Jesus sent the 12 disciples out to do ministry. When they returned He encouraged them to separate from the people who were following them to rest.
Matthew 14:1-13. After Jesus learned that his cousin John the Baptist had been beheaded, He went away by Himself. Yes, even the Son of God grieves
Luke 6:12-13. Early in His ministry Jesus spent the whole night alone in prayer. The next day He chose his 12 disciples.
Luke 22:39-44. Hours before Jesus was arrested He went to the Mt. of Olives and went a short distance away from His disciples to pray. He was in great emotional agony knowing what he was about to face.
Luke 5:16. Many times in Jesus’ ministry He spent time alone in prayer
Being a Leader In A Church is very demanding and busy role. It requires a lot of time, energy, and dedication to serve and lead your congregation. It's important to make time to rejuvenate our relationship with Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ did it many times as the scriptures stated.
As an Evangelist, after living in London and the surroundings for most of my life, I moved to Cornwall and I have experienced the rare peaceful environment in Cornwall that is paramount for Believers to take a week, fortnight or a month's deep prayers and fasting retreat to elevate our Spirit, Soul and Body in Jesus Christ